Normally when getting ready for fieldwork am planning project areas, travel routes, thinking about how much Spam to buy. This year is different, have to throw thinking about taking responsiblity of protecting against COVID-19 into the mix. While it’s becoming second nature to think about being a grizzly aware camp and taking food and attractant storage precautions, this year have to work on being virus-aware (and as yet, no COVID-19 spray available). Here’s what are thinking about for field protocols for the summer 2020 field sessions. Sort of like any other archaeology project– get your basic research goals, field methods, and logistics designed and ready to to. Then prepare for dealing with all the other unexpected, “where did that come from contingencies” issues. Have done as much advance planning for trying to be COVID-19 aware as possible, but no doubt issues will come up that will require revising these virus-safe-as-possible plans.
Continue reading “2020 Fieldwork – COVID-19 Protocols”Month: June 2020
So while waiting to figure out if will actual do fieldwork this summer, today was playing a bit with artifact weight and size data from assemblages from 48PA201, 48PA551, the Big Horn Canyon sites, and a couple others that Rachel Reckin and Jack Hofman and I have been recording. Had question about couple of our recorded artifact weights and couldn’t get back in to re-measure right away, so thought would play around with the numbers a bit (rainy day — over 50mm rain in last 30 hours) rather than go outside.
Continue reading “Waiting”Summer 2020
Unsure if will have a GRSLE summer 2020 field research program. Right now, too many variables without enough information for me to decide.