There have been a number of presentations at professional conferences about GRSLE project work by students and other research team members. Most of these are preliminary reports of student research projects that provide basic observational data on the GRSLE project area. For other types of information on the project’s research look at the group of Master’s theses and Publications on GRSLE related work. Copies of many of the conference presentations are available here:
- Changes in Montane Watershed use Patterns Through the Holocene: A Spatial Chronology in the Central Absaroka Range, Wyoming. Burnett et al. 2003
- Gold Reef: Taphonomy of a High-Altitude historic site. Mueller et al. 2003
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling: Integrating Stream Ecology, Nested Sampling Designs, and Bundled Research Strategies. Schoville et al. 2003
- Morainal Archaeology: Alpine Landscapes and Raw Material Procurement. Reitze et al. 2003
- Small-Scale Investigations with Large Scale Implications: Ecological Impacts in Archaeologically Disturbed Areas. Heiner et al. 2003
- Archaeological Catch and Release. Todd et al. 2003
- Fire Cracked Rock Appearance Replication. Bates et al. 2004
- Variability of Archaeological Volcanic Glass Distribution in the Central Absaroka Range, Wyoming. Bohn, et al. 2004
- Horizontal Seriation of an Archaeological Landscape Using GIS: A Case Study from the Absaroka Mountains of Northern Wyoming. Burnett, 2004
- An Analysis of Plant Species and Usages in the Absaroka Mountains, Park County, Wyoming. Hjermstad et al. 2004
- Inter-Observer Variances in Coding Lithic Artifacts. Johnston et al. 2004
- “I’m Pretty Sure that Thing I Just Tripped Over Ain’t Natural”: Hunting Structures in the Absaroka Mountains of Northwestern Wyoming. Kinneer, et al. 2004
- Game Movements, TEK, and Archaeological Site Locations. Melson, L. 2004
- Prehistoric Lithic Material Distribution along the Upper Greybull River: An Inter-basin Comparison, Park County, Wyoming. Ollie, et al. 2004
- Recreation Ecology, Heritage Resource Management, and Environmental Monitoring: The GRSLE Project, Northwestern Wyoming. Todd et al. 2004
- Mining the Margins: Archaeology of Remote, High Elevation Mineral Exploitation in the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming. Todd and Mueller 2004
- Greybull River Sustainable Landscape Ecology (GRSLE) 2004: Archaeological Panarchy in Northwestern Wyoming. Todd et al. 2004.
- Landscape Taphonomy and Archaeologial Ecology: Integrative Approaches for linking Cultural, Biological, and Physical Systems Research. Todd et al. 2004
- Archaeology in the 21st Century: A Mobile, Web-based Unit for In-field Site Documentation. Bechberger et al. 2005
- Indications of Ephemeral Paleoindian Occupation in the Upper Greybull Watershed. Bechberger et al. 2005
- Through the Volcanic Glass: Obsidian Artifacts as Proxy for Investigating Land Use Dynamics in the Upper Greybull River Drainage. Bohn and Todd 2005
- Game Trails and Site Locations: Is There a Connection? Cheshire et al. 2005
- SwitchBack: A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Model for Past Human Movement Across a Northwestern Wyoming Landscape. Hurst et al. 2005
- The Ecological Impacts of Archaeological Field Research on the Central Absaroka Mountain Range, WY. Hutchinson and Todd 2005
- Counting Rocks!: Generating a Baseline for Human Energy Investment in the Construction of High Altitude Stone Structures. Kinneer et al. 2005
- Evaluating Inter-Observer Variability in Field Coding of Chipped Stone. Long 2005
- Historic Seasonal Pastoralist Occupation in the Absarokas of Wyoming: A Study of Jack Creek Cow Camp. Miller et al. 2005
- Wasting Away on the Sunny Side of the Mountain: Depositional Dynamics and Archaeological Exposure. Ollie et al. 2005
- A Growing Picture: The “Ghost Forests” of Jack Creek Wyoming. Parks et al. 2005
- In the Shadow of Ghost Trees: Applying Forest Ecology to Archaeological Interpretations. Reiser et al. 2005
- Analysis of Secondary Deposition of the Material Culture in the Greybull River Drainage. Tedrow 2005
- Relocation and Monitoring: Past Weapons of Mass Destruction. Teeter et al. 2005
- Experiential Learning, Local Stewardship, and Archaeological Investigations along the Upper Greybull River Drainage, Northwestern Wyoming. Todd and Bohn 2005
- Archaeological Site Taphonomy: The Interplay of Biologic Activity and Geomorphic Processes. Bechberger and Todd 2006
- Walking the Line: Spatial Patterns of Artifact Distribution in Alpine Environments. Fredriksen 2006
- The Rings of Time: Dendrochronology at Jack Creek’s Cow Camp. Galloway and Reiser 2006
- Tale of Three Cabins: A Comparison of Features and Architecture. Gensmer et al. 2006
- Sediments in a Slump: Depositional Dynamics in and Around Alpine Sag Ponds. Gingerich and Bechberger 2006
- Archaeologists as Landscape Modifiers: Monitoring Ecological Impacts of Excavation in an Alpine Environment, Absaroka Range, Wyoming. Keeling 2006
- Archaeology Under Fire: the Impacts of Forest Fire on Archaeological Inquiry. Knapp 2006.
- Scratching the Surface of Prehistory in Northwestern Wyoming: An Analysis of the Dynamics of Site Formation and Alteration in an Alpine Setting. McElhoe and Todd 2006
- Assessing Alpine Artifact Abundance and Depositional History of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming. Svatos and Todd 2006
- Burning Issues: Archaeological Monitoring and Site Disturbance Processes. Todd 2006
- High Elevation Geoarchaeology: Alpine Landscapes and Human Use, Dollar Mountain, a Northwestern Wyoming Example. Reitze and Todd 2006
- Missing the Point: Monitoring Disturbance of a Lithic Landscape in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Burke et al. 2006
- Peopling the Wilderness: Bridging the Social and Natural Science Divide. Todd et al. 2006
- Montane Mass-Wasting and Archaeological Associations. Ollie et al. 2006
- Phantom of the Hearths: Using Oxidized Sediment Patches from the Little Venus Fire to Investigate the Characteristics of Phantom Hearths. Koepsell 2007
- Don’t tread on me: Effects of Cattle Trampling on Burned Archeological Sites of the Upper Greybull River, Wyoming. Ludow 2007
- Unintentional Thermal Alteration to Chipped Stone: Documentation of Artifacts Exposed to Wildland Fire. Niswanger 2007
- Many Mountains Moving: Tales of Mass-Wasting and Archaeology in the Absaroka Range, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (awarded Best Graduate Student Paper recognition). Ollie 2007
- BAAM!: Thermal Spalls and the Archaeological Formation Process. Sadd 2007
- Burning Questions: Interactions of Naturally Occurring Surface Fires and Archaeological Site Conditions. Thompson and Hunt 2007
- Multi-Scale Archaeological Monitoring: Stressors, Indicators and Triggers. Todd and Bechberger 2007
- Coupling Biological Activity and Geomorphic Processes in Archaeological Site Formation. Bechberger and Todd 2007
- High Elevation, Late Prehistoric Bison Processing in the Absaroka Mountains, North West Wyoming. Craft 2008
- Distributions of Desired Protohistoric Trade Items in the Absaroka Mountains. Ficarrotta 2008
- Teaching Burnt Trees New Tricks: Applying Fire History Methodology to Archaeological Research Questions. Thompson 2008
- Hearth Centered Activities of Late Prehistoric Shoshoni in the Absaroka Mountains. Jaschke 2008
- Back to the Mountain: Longitudinal Research and Archaeological Research Programs. Todd 2008
- In the Shadow of the Coyote Penis: High Elevation Archaeology in NW Wyoming. Todd et al. 2008
- Integrating site sampling and landscape taphonomy: Bridging gaps between culture,cognition, and landscapes in the Absarokas. Waechter 2008
- Making Mountains out of Molehills: Taphonomic Processes in High Elevation Environments. Bechberger and Todd 2008
- Using an Archaeological Predictive Model to Design Sample Surveys Following Forest Fires. Burnett and Todd 2009
- In-Field Faunal Analysis: Assemblage Properties and Site Specific Activities Revealed by the Little Venus Fire. Thompson et al. 2009
- What if site information potential was not binary?: A research question driven, analytically based approach to the NRHP eligibility assessment. Todd 2011
- Archaeology in a Smoldering Landscape: High elevation, post-fire Research in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming. Todd 2014
- Hardluck Archaeology: BAER, Probability Models, and Post-Fire Inventory Methods on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Burnett et al. 2014
- Hardluck Archaeology: Post-Fire Inventory in Northwestern Wyoming. Todd et al. 2014
- Forty Days in the Wilderness: 2015 Park County Historic Preservation Commission Archaeological Inventory and Assessment on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Todd et al. 2015
- Evolution of the Shoshone National Forest Prehistoric Site Probability Model. Burnett et al. 2015
- Migration Corridors, Ice Patches, and High Elevation Landscapes. Todd et al. 2016
- Archaeology of the Forest Reserve Act (1891): Scribed Trees on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Todd et al. 2016
- Quantifying Ice Patch Variability Using GIS Functionality. Dalmas and Todd 2016
- Comparison of Raw Materials Throughout High Elevation Sites in the Absaroka Mountains, NW Wyoming. Porter and Todd 2016
- An Alpine Archaeological Landscape in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming. Todd et al. 2017
- Structured Wilderness: Managing 19th and Early 20th Century Heritage Resources, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Todd and Wright 2018
- Bounding Uncertainty and Ignorance: Archaeology and Human Paleoecology in Washakie Wilderness, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Wright and Todd 2018
- Engaging the next generation and promoting local stewardship: partnerships in archaeology. Todd et al. 2018
- Enigmatic wooden structures, Shoshone National Forest, NW Wyoming. Todd et al. 2018
- Stoneworking at Anderson Lodge, Washakie Wilderness, Wyoming. Crable et al. 2018
- Late Archaic Landscapes: Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Absaroka Range, Northwest Wyoming. Buxton et al. 2018
- Obsidian Source Filtering: Assessing multiple XRF protocols for geochemical analysis of NW Wyoming collections. Rina et al. 2018
- Archaic Period Obsidian Use in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: The 48PA551 Assemblage in Regional Context. Todd and Reckin 2019
- A high elevation game drive Complex, Washakie Wilderness, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming. Todd et al. 2019
- Archaeological Post-Fire Assessment, Documentation, and Monitoring. Neff et al. 2019